Harlequin Small Business & Entrepreneur Podcast is launching in January 2024 and we want to feature inspiring small business owners and entrepreneurs from all over the world. Share your journey with us – what motivated you to become an entrepreneur and what challenges have you faced along the way?

If you’re interested in being a guest on our brand new podcast, fill out the form here: https://form.jotform.com/233402937287057

Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your story!

Harlequin Small Business & Entrepreneur Podcast will air bi-weekly and be available wherever you listen to podcasts.

December 6, 2023 + Promo

Listen Here!

January 15, 2024 + 
Guest: Tori Solis, Blue Nose Trading

Link 2

January 29, 2024 + 
Guest: Stephen Edwards, PillarToPost

Link 3

February 12, 2024 + 

Link 4

February 26, 2024 + 

Link 5

March 11, 2024 + 

Link 6